Optimising Optical Fiber Network Deployment
Léon olde Scholtenhuis
|| Organisation: Allinq
P.D.Eng thesis
Jitske Posthumus
Update: Aug 2021
Final report describing the Hybrid DEV-ABS model for FttH-deployment
This project ran from 2019-2021 and resulted in a prototype Decision Support System, which provides decision-makers with insight in the optical fiber deployment process as well as the results of changes they may wish to make. 'What happens if I add extra capacity?' and 'What happens if I redistribute these tasks?' are questions the DSS can help answer. The DSS is based on a hybrid Discrete Event Simulation and Agent Based Modelling simulation model. The processing steps of the optical fiber deployment process are represented using DES and the trenches, workers, and excavators are represented by agents. For more information on this model, the use case it was applied on or the interfaces between the DES and ABM components, contact Léon olde Scholtenhuis, Farid Vahdatikhaki or André Dorée.
The thesis can be downloaded from the repository of the University of Twente