Reduction of Damage to Utilities & Careful Excavation
--- Zorgvuldige Aanleg & Reductie Graafschade ---
-- Reduction of Damage to Utilities & Careful Excavation --
ReDUCE stands for Reduction of Damage to Utilities & Careful Excavation. It is the abbreviation of an R&D programme that has existed since 2013 and aims for improving design, construction and operation of shallow underground infrastructure. ReDUCE started as a small scale cooperation between KPN and the University of Twente. By now it has become a broad programme that involves a larger part of the utility and excavation sector. The programme has finished several tens of graduations, research and development projects.
The initiative ReDUCE combines the governments, enterpreneurs, education and research and therefore favours a good connection between these organisations. A ReDUCE partner is an organisation that is substantively affiliated with ReDUCE research and also makes a substantial contribution to the continuity of the program, so that continuous capacity can be released to start, for example, PDEng projects. A PDEng combines state of the art scientific knowledge and a design problem that is practically relevant.
This study focuses on translating the underground spatial impact of redevelopments in public space, related to heat transition, electric grid upgrading, and climate resilience.