PDEng is the abbreviation for Professional Doctorate in Engineering. A PDEng-study is a two year post master-study aimed at designing for engineering. The candidates applying for a position need to have a M.Sc. degree in order to be eligible for participation in our PDEng programme. More information can be found on the website of the University of Twente.
What is PDEng?
A P.D.Eng. student will follow post-master courses on design methodology and will be trained to make high-end, creative, and innovative designs for complex civil engineering problems. Courses he follows are - in part - tailored to a practical design problem that the student needs to solve within two years. He will receive guidance from a firm and a university supervisor to be able to conduct an adequate analysis and design a feasible and good solution.
A P.D.Eng differs from a Ph.D. in the sense that a P.D.Eng. student needs to deliver a design report whereas the ultimate goal of a Ph.D. student is to produce outcomes from scientific research (e.g. research papers). Furthermore, a P.D.Eng trajactory has a cycle time of two years; a Ph.D. takes four years. During a P.D.Eng. the candidate will spend 50% of his time at the host organization (often a company). The other 50% he will spend following courses at the university. Once a P.D.Eng has applied successfully, the university will assemble a supervision team.
The candidate, host organization, and university will collaboratively decide on the detailed content of a P.D.Eng. project upfront. This means that the candidate will write an extended proposal with his supervisors as soon as he officially starts his assignment.
More information can be found on the website of the University of Twente.
ZoARG needs for several of her projects technological designers with a MSc in Civil Engineering, Industrial Design, Mechanical Engineering or a related discipline. A most recent version of challenges that ZoARG wants to work on is:
Developing a digital system (GIS/BIM) that assesses the quality of utility statutory records
Explanding our visualization method that shows uncertainties in 3D Data
Developing a constructability and safety assessment system for fiber-to-the-home engineering designs
Exploring and designing a workflow/use-case portfolio for Non Destructive Technologies (NDT) like GPR in fiber-to-the-home projects
Do you have an M.Sc. degree and are you interested in any of these projects? Please reach out to us. Any related ideas proposed by yourself are very welcome too. A more elaborate Dutch description of these topics is provided in the report of the third ZoARG industry workshop on our conference page.