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5 Drienerlolaan
Enschede, Overste, 7522 NB

Zorgvuldige Ondergrondse Aanleg en Reductie Graafschade

Projects - EN

Filtering by Category: Research

Data-Driven Prediction of Excavation Damages

Léon olde Scholtenhuis

This project aimed to support the detection of risky excavation operations based on historical datasets of damages in the Netherlands. Jiarong Li developed, using XGBoost, a data-driven model that predicted the likelihood of damage occurring in an excavation polygon. The Dutch agency Kadaster uses such polygons to exchange data on utility locations between network owners and excavator operators.

The machine learning model had a satisfactory performance with an AUC-ROC score of 0.821 and a balanced accuracy of 0.743.

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Reliability and disruption-coping in district heating construction projects

Léon olde Scholtenhuis

To scale up city district heating construction projects, processes need to be developed and reliable. Currently teams largely rely on experience and improvisation, making them skilled in troubleshooting, but less efficient in planning and anticipating disruptions. This thesis has explored anticipation and containment through the lens of HRO

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TISCALI - Assessing Sewage Condition

Guest User

Traditionally, sewer inspections are conducted by direct access to the pipes, and where possible by visual inspections. In addition to being a tedious and cumbersome job, visual inspections do not always deliver the desired results. In the TISCALI project, research is being done to more efficient and less error prone inspection methods.

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