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5 Drienerlolaan
Enschede, Overste, 7522 NB

Zorgvuldige Ondergrondse Aanleg en Reductie Graafschade

Improved strategies, logic and decision support for selecting test trench locations.

Projects - EN

Improved strategies, logic and decision support for selecting test trench locations.

Guest User

|| ZoARG Partner Agentschap Telecom;
Candidate Paulina Racz; Oct 2015-2017


Before breaking the surface the contractors and crews need to do a KLIC request for information. The relevant utility owners provide information about the existing underground networks for the specific location(s). Since several of these networks go back a long time, the actual location may not match with the provided location data. The check the accuracy of the provided information, and to inspect actual condition often one or more test trenches are dug. While test trenches provide vital information the digging and inspection of these test trenches takes time and effort and may even introduce added hindrances and risks. Selection of number and location(s) therefore always requires trade offs and compromises. Although digging of test trenches is common practice the reasoning regarding location(s) is mostly implicit, unclear and not documented.
